Friday, August 14, 2009

My life

Its been so biasa for me..everytime i thought its definitely..*bOMB* what am i talking about?? FOM cruel is GOD to me..i thought i answered correctly..and so accurately..only to find out it was for the wrong ques.. REALLY PUFFED UP!

It has always been like that for me..when i thought *'s so good..out of nowhere..a huge sack of dumbells drops on me..*imagine that and you will know how i felt..OUCH RITE! sigh..

I mean..HOw many more can i cope with..i asked this how my life is ought to be??
Will the next one drops even harder???? BUT..i try to look at it differently..if you fall..just get back up.. God tests must prove him WRONG! TOUGHEN UP!


1 comment:

  1. God is NEVER wrong...if he intends to test you, only you can get it wrong.

    And plus, it's only an examination. If you fail, just do it again. If one falls down, he doesn't get back up, he makes sure he doesn't fall again.
