Monday, October 19, 2009

I've got no ideal title for this

Right now, im supposed to study for finals. But instead im blogging. I figured since the laptop is right in front of me. So why not blog when the ideas are coming thick and fast? Hmm, i was listening to love songs ( my faV ) then i thought why do i love it so much?? I decided to blog about it. Call it lame if you want. HEHE i wondered..if only the love we have is a fairytale one, beautiful places, total freedom, total stress-free, all to ourself, well, these could only be a DREAM. Not so realistic, but never rule out any chance of it happenning, lovely ending aren't just there for nothing. Someone among the billions living around the globe might have experienced it. Never SAY NEVER!

I love romances songs. Why? Its simple. There's so much to learn from romance songs. Or i call it "emo songs". When you're listening to one ( emo song ), you might think of the one you love, and i mean family and friends and soulmate. Well, there break-up songs, make-up songs, farewell song and etc. I must say some of the romance song's lyrics are deservedly of a applause. So meaningful. Some say you learn from experiences, i agree, but there's plenty to learn also from love songs.

So often we hear couples break up and getting back together didn't work. How they regret they didn't cherish it when it was all going well. Thats life. Some live to regret. Nothing's perfect anyway. No one is flawless. Most humans only come to realize when loved ones are "gone". Well, because i know i shouldn't neglect my loved ones, i cherish every moment i spent with my loved ones.

Who knows. This could be your last dinner together. Last movie. Last hug. Last kiss. Last joke. Last view of the person. And before you know it, they are gone! For Good! You'll live to regret and mourn. * you might think i went too "far" but before you do that, stop and think of what i typed. If you still disagree then sorry. Different opinions

Never take life for granted. Learn from songs. Cherish your beloved while you still can. Danger comes from all angles. It only takes a shot to the head to kill a person. :)

Nights people.
Ivan How :)

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