Saturday, May 23, 2009

Its Back

Well, the emo night is back on again. Sigh. I dont know what to say? I mean, how long can i wait for? I try to trick myself saying each day is a step closer. Yea, its true. But does anyone know how much misery im going through? Knowing the one i love is with another guy. Its good they are trying to get back together. But at the same time. Each step ahead for them is like the knife piercing an inch deeper into my heart. I know i cant be self-centered. I would like to give up. But i know i cant and i wont. Im more determined then ever. I know ppl like her dont come very often. The one who fills my ask so perfectly. I cant see anyone better than her. Why is God so cruel? Each time i thought ' this is the time..finally' and then a bomb drops infront of me. POOM! Its all gone..FALSE HOPE!

I've never felt so much heartbroken..NEVER! But i will stay strong and continue to trick myself that each day is a step closer..

I look at other girls outhere, i said to lucky i got to know her..

If you happen to read this..dont worry..its one of those nights again..

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