Sunday, May 31, 2009

Baskin Robins

Yea its the 31st..which leads to Baskin Robins 31% discount on all was supposed to be the kiasu buyer and be Baskin Robins's first customer..but turned out to be i was one of the people queing up for ice-cream..sigh..

Football ended..but guessed wud..i have some other entertainment..watching HOW I MET YOUR not planning to meet your really funny..BARNEY's my favourite..not that im gay or wud..but his randomness is totally that i want to be like

I shall let the one picture tell the look at the pic and make up ure own story while i make up what im typing pun..out of sort!!
btw..this is the queue for BASKIN ROBINS..not sasa


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Seconds from disaster the national geographic program..seconds from not a real big disaster actually..erm..yesterday morning..while on the way to college..while i wanted to go straight..this van came from left and wanted to turn right..and BANG!! Tink i could hear the sound of the car part ripping off its body..sigh..park aside..went down and see..OMG!! MY CAR!! the beautifull cAR!! (im not going to brag on the compensation part) well..what happened, happened..cant do anything..though i was partly moody the whole day..didnt recall i smiled much or laugh mood for food either and i only had two meals car's in the workshop now..repairing and will be able to get it by SATURDAY!

I shall let the pics do the talking..

Before that..i would like to congratulate barcelona..they deserve to win..i was impressed how well they played..first time since a long time that i seen manutd got bullied and outplayed..BRAVO BARCELONA! but im still a red devil for life!! hehe..

AFTER COLLISION ( not so cool )


WEll..thats how bad it is..perodua aint so power-dua crapping already..sign of lack of demons meh?

BYE BYE! Hope my car looks the same after repair!! SIGH!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Coming soon

No its the scary thai show "coming soon"..its about my post..they are coming soon..i have to tell about my car..have to blog about that..hmm..

Btw..i watch ANGEL & DEMONS..not bad..very slow movie..guessed its like DA VINCI CODE..tho i didnt watch it..but same producer all the secrets and the like national treasure..but this is more like christian la..


Monday, May 25, 2009


WEll..the BPL is wrapped up..and for once in a year..rafa benitez has got nothing to say or do about it..JUST SHHH rafa! And btw..there were rumours that teams were going to sue UNITED for fielding a weakeand team..but how weak is weakeand? The lads proved it on sunday..DARREN GIBSON magnificient hit from 30 or 40 yards almost rip off the JUST SHHH you relegated teams!

And the CL final is 72 hours away..cant wait for that..because the season's ended(BPL) so i guess..there wont be football to watch anymore for 2 months..OMG! Talking about it..probably its all set up for RYAN in he deputises for darren Fletcher..who knows..he might end up being the MOM( MAN OF THE MATCH) like he did against chelsea..completely bullied ballack and lampard albeit his age..

BTW..i found TOMS STICKERS shop in pandan perdana..its paradise for car body modifiers..tink i'll join the you get 25% off of each purchase..NOT BAD!! It shall be my new place to hang out..looking forward to add more stickers to my current car..


Sunday, May 24, 2009


Love is not a feeling, its an ability.
Dan In Real Life.
By the way. Dan In Real Life is a really nice movie. Its an old movie though. About a guy meeting a woman he likes who he later found out that its his brother's new girlfriend. Well, they both loved each other. Try watching it. Its nice. lol.
And im looking forward to watch Night at The Museum 2 and Sell Out( Lotsa good reviews) and Terminator Salvation( Looks cool). I want to watch any of these 3 this week..anyone??

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Its Back

Well, the emo night is back on again. Sigh. I dont know what to say? I mean, how long can i wait for? I try to trick myself saying each day is a step closer. Yea, its true. But does anyone know how much misery im going through? Knowing the one i love is with another guy. Its good they are trying to get back together. But at the same time. Each step ahead for them is like the knife piercing an inch deeper into my heart. I know i cant be self-centered. I would like to give up. But i know i cant and i wont. Im more determined then ever. I know ppl like her dont come very often. The one who fills my ask so perfectly. I cant see anyone better than her. Why is God so cruel? Each time i thought ' this is the time..finally' and then a bomb drops infront of me. POOM! Its all gone..FALSE HOPE!

I've never felt so much heartbroken..NEVER! But i will stay strong and continue to trick myself that each day is a step closer..

I look at other girls outhere, i said to lucky i got to know her..

If you happen to read this..dont worry..its one of those nights again..

Thursday, May 21, 2009

I love you, MAN

No..i dont love any man..its a movie titled I Love You Man..about a couple getting married..and the wife has all her bridemaids whereas the husband hasnt got any best man..because as said in the movie he's one who focus all to his girlfriend and neglects his male if you dont actually confused by the movie..because peter (the main character) actually meets random guys just to find a best friend who will be the best man at the does looks gay and certainlly he met of them actually kissed him in the lips and went into the tongue and all..eww..thats what u probably will those who hadnt watch it..better do so..its real funny..i would say more than pink panther 2..besides its also educational in the sense of

Guys hugging is normal but infront of the fountain?? OMG

Watch it! I

Bon Voyage!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What ELSE??

Well, i know its not appropriate to say this..but i feel hanging out with friends feels more like home..why?? Having facing enough daily stress..if there are any..i return home..i have to see "dark" they are ready to explode anytime..and taking out all on me and the rest..well it happens sometimes..sometimes its like the best place..sometimes i feel like getting come?? I thought home is where u feel belonged and appreciated and its where u can share things you cant?? Or am i wrong or too naive??

I feel lucky to have the things and love i have..despite that..somehow i dont feel happy..and i've always detest being wrongly accused..i hate it..for called..i didnt answer..doesnt mean i left my phone in silent mode..sometimes i just cant hear it..what you want me to do?? Carry the phone in my palms while walking all time?? Or hang it around my neck to attract robbers?? WHAT ELSE i can do??

You frustrated with life sometimes..feeling like leaving everything and starting a new life with loved one..but there are certain feel like letting go..but you cant..because you know its just the anger that is misleading at the moment..but sometimes you wished you done's a dillemma..BIG ONE..all i can do is just swallow it with bitterness..because i know..being able to do that helps alot..especially when dealing with loved had been a challenge since the day you were born..

By the way..i also hates when one wants to complain about me..but instead of talking to me..the complains were diverted to someone else..please..i dont mind being long as it doesnt trouble other people..especially the one's i love..i dont think others deserved to listen to the complaints due to my wrongdoing..all my life to date..i've always tried to avoid being a problem to others..i wouldnt feel good..
Well..what i cant say..i type..its another way of expressing instead of storing all inside..

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


New words i learned today..from a lecturer..they arent lecturer for are the words. The words in brackets are the correct words.

1. Dictionally ( Dictionary )
2. Povide (Provide )
3. First of falls ( First of all )
4. Goodwell ( Goodwill )
5. Vely ( Very )
6. Confue ( Confuse )
7. Your Guys ( You Guys )
8. Point number third ( Point number three )

Its funny to hear all these words..but lets be fair..people do have difficulties in their own manner..probably they cant
pronounce it correctly..but they might have skills i dont try to include some of the words above in daily shall be funny..

I think im improving in badminton..learned how to jump smash..not an easy skill..timing must be learning..

Hmm..wud else?? Thats all i guess..


Ivan How

Saturday, May 16, 2009


My recent addiction

1. Pool
2. ABC

So if you want to treat me..sure no problem..choose between option 1 and 2..or you want both also bout having abc and playing pool at the same time??? where la to find that??


Give YOU( Liverpool) HELL

ITS done and dusted..wonder what benitez have to say after this..18th title..level with liverpool who hasnt touched it since when?? would be icing on the cake had benitez was infront of me..i would say..whose having the last laugh??? whose scared of whom??? whose won trophy and who's not??? i would imagine MAN UTD deservedly win the bpl.. dont have to brag much actually..if ure a devil u will know how it feels..hahahaha..

(like u always say)


SAF: I want more!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Freaky days of life

Freaky days of life..sounds like some song has to be the title of days i experienced recently..funny incidents occured..embarrassing moments in public..the nearly's and what could have been..the -.-'s incidents..the OMG's incidents..

Lets start with funny was raining heavily the past wednesday( if im not mistaken)..just finished badminton..wanted to get on to my car nearby..but raining cats and dogs..metaphorically speaking incase u didnt get meant raining towards the pathway between block b and c in ucsi (u will know if ure studying there or seen it) i watched the rain poured heavilly..then return back to where i was..the rain frightened was so heavy..then later i decided i have to go get my car..pumped up d..whoa..walk towards the covered pathway..and decided to i did..but guess wud happened?? the worst of my slippers came off..i have to run back and fetch my slippers..and was all in the end..didnt went to my car..sigh..embarrasing but funny..nick was laughing till his face turned red!..wth..

The other funny incident was when we decided to go to A&W at i approach the palang ting..where u get the ticket..i drove i reach there..the palang i thought maybe its free..just masuk i wanted to go in..the palang nearly hit my car as it wanted to come down..obviously it was up before i went in without ticket..AMAZING!! then edwinson went to fetch the the button and collect the ticket..some new ways of getting the parking ticket..learn it peeps!!

The nearly's and what could have been- in giant it is..i was trying to park my car..reverse looks reverse it is..i nearly hit the wall so close to it..probably 10cm close..had i knocked the wall..i would be so angry with myself and will be emo..its my dearest car for god sake!!
The -.- incident was at UCSI block c, level 1, the gents..if its under repair..just put some tapes there ka..or some notice la..or some proper barrier..see below to get the picture!

(why use CHEAP! well thats ucsi)

Well..the OMG incident was at A&W..this fat guy came..wearing a singlet..omg..not that i racist or wud..but ure so fat..that his belly is covering his pants zip top! wth..if u see the below pic carefully..u will know why its OMG and not omg..its a bit blur la..if u see carefull..there is some skin colour in the circled area..thats his T***Y..

chinese ppl call-(lau chap) get it??

Thats all i guess..and sorry if my words are confusing and my post's are

Monday, May 11, 2009

I pledge

I pledge to

1. do well in degree
2. more sports
3. cut down on movies
4. save money
5. nerd more in library
6. add more ting to my car
7. dreams will come true
8. stay fitter than ever
9. know more pals
10. erm..wish 1 to 9 will come true

haha..thats todays post..done..
hehe..bye bye..take care

Sunday, May 10, 2009


For once..i did not post anything for few days..but never i'll round up what occured..

Erm..Friday i went to some bills and have ABC there..then went home..ohya..before that..played pool with nick the nicholas, edwinson the neighbourhood's ji mui and the floor sitting addicted to pool lately..probably cz long time didnt play..hehe..

Its Sat..went to 1U wit family..mum went shopping..and i just lepaked around..bought JAVA CHIP..not the tiny chocs running through..but expensive la..once a while ok la..hehe..evening went for futsal..5 goals...wohoo..good form on going..any ground but still score..HEHE..

Sunday it is..means as in today..went for referee lagi..macam really get hold of the game..kasut hungry d..time to change gua..didnt play well..and didnt really touch the ball..played with some malay team..we were outplayed..i wont tell u the

THATS IT..rounded up 3 days of in now..planning to watch arsenal vs chelsea..and MAN UTD won scoucers..take note..!!!


Wednesday, May 6, 2009



how is it that life's unfair??
how is it that god never bless me with love luck??
how is it that its always so close yet so far??
how is it that passion and love never wins??

I guess all this while, im being too kind of a guy..i help friends in need..spending time talking to them..listen to their problems..advicing them..i know im good at consultation..but

how is it that i cant console myself??
how is it that i cant be optimistic??
how is it that i can release sorrowness??

What i have?? My pet and emo songs for company..where are the people i need?? Either they dont bother or just ignore..or there is no one i can count on outhere??

Well..its just one of the emo nights in my life..i shall wake up and feel better the next day

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


No one will ever feel what i felt during the 14 days of holidays..i enjoyed what i did..i enjoyed what i had..i enjoyed everything..THE only irony is it only lasted 14 days..LIKE pkm..14 days also..i look forward to each day like there's no other day..i wanted college to start soon(some reasons)..i wanna communicate all time..i wana hang out all time..

As in resumed..daily routines back..i i wish i could rewind..i seek the 14 days for comfort..wished how the 14 days never went by..i was looking through my messages just now..the one's i had it during the 14 days..i smiled reading it..i enjoyed everybit of the 14 if i were to leave the world for good..touchwood! Ive never felt so assured in life..never felt so lucky in life..and all the good times i had were in the 14 days..It left a mark on me..a deep mark..a permanent pain but full with joy..I THANKED GOD for the 14 was felt like living in paradise for once in my one will ever feel what i felt..and i thank the someone who gave me my best 14 days..



It was emirates..started the match with all home fans waving this red-white passionate..WOW!! the passionate fans wasnt so passionate flags seem to heavy to be lifted after Park J.S scored in 8 minutes..few moments later..salt was rubbed to the wounded gunner..Ronaldo's 40 yard freekick flew past the lazy like Almunia..IT WAS OVER..what OVER?? THE that point..arsenal have to score 4 to win the tie..and against the steady backline of MANUTD..was it going to come true?? Realistically not i supposed..gunner's fans were sent back down to their seat..watching their team being bullied and outplayed..when the third goal went in, courtesy of a brilliant back to front counter attack..arsenal fans couldnt take it anymore..they left as if the stadium's got a bomb..soon..the once full packed stadium suddenly looked like a friendly for the least stay the full 90 wenger did..tho its his! lesson learnt yea?? fabregas! not so fabolous afterall..just some gas around..Almunia! pls dont apply for english citizenship..the manner you let in ronaldo's free kick suggested playing for england isnt a good lastly..wenger! its simple..get experiences and better qualities in there..or else trophy drought will continue..

PTN: sry arsenal fans..i might sound mean..but im telling the truth..truth hurts..


(True friends are like stars..not always visible but you know they are there for you)
(Friends come and go, but true friends leaves footprints)
(True friends are siblings GOD forgot to give us)
(GOD determines who walks into your life, it is you that decides who to let go)
(Always expect the unexpectable)
by, Ivan How
(Please take note. FYI- i didnt came up with all..probably the last im not claiming its all by me)

What (i did and will be doing later)

(I did)
1. Went for Breakfast at BB(dim sum)
2. Went to school to check the course selection thing
3. Read a notice that states "Foundation to Degree Course Selection date will be on the 7th till 14th May"
4.Went to KL to meet up with dad( tailor a pants)
5. Went to Hush Puppies to check out Leather shoe (didnt like)
(Will be doing later)
1. Football at 5.30
2. Dinner
3. Shuttle siblings to tuition
5. Watch Arsenal vs Manutd (midnight) least im updating..progressing well..NAMO AMITOBHA (duno the spelling la)

Monday, May 4, 2009


(The Origin)

Cool..wolverine's me it was quite good..dont know about others who watched showed how he got his metal he didnt remember the past of his..
Those who hadnt watch must do..its cool..

im running out of words,

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Well..i went for football today..not futsal..first time in two years..gosh i miss the field and all..scored two goals on return..because im always on the attack..seldom defend of my weakness..

Futsal has helped me more calm when in possesion..the one thing i hate most whether its football or futsal is my specs..i cant see without it..can see la..but vry lens i cant use..because eye too dry..sigh..PROBLEMO!!!

Wud's i gotta work hard..and i mean it..wish me luck then..


3rd Debut

Well, its my third blog in two years. never seem to hold a blog for long. probably its because of my laziness. which i do admit i am sometimes. just hoping this wont be the third casualty.

poker? dont really know the rules or the game itself. just have it coz it looks cool.

suddenly i felt the urge to have a blog again. and when i have it, i ignore it. then to the thrash it is. done and dusted.

:=). hope this wont be the only post.